
How to Update MyBandTheme


We occasionally release updates to MyBandTheme, which may address bugs or introduce new features. The contents of each update are detailed on the respective update details page, as well as the email notification we send out to existing customers.

While updating is not mandatory, it is recommended. If you are satisfied with how your installation operates, and don't want to add any of the new features released with the update, you may opt not to update at all, which is perfectly OK as well.

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RSS Feed for Events (Concerts) in MyBandTheme


Nowadays, bands understandingly strive to create a presence on as many web properties as possible. This is a totally accepted and effective method of self promotion.

Keeping all of the band profiles fresh and timely can be a bit daunting though, since for example, having a main site, a facebook page, a twitter account, a youtube account and a myspace account already mean 5 web properties to keep up-to-date.

The MyBandTheme WP template makes this process just a bit easier, since you can now create a custom RSS feed of your concerts and events.

As you know, MyBandTheme includes an advanced event management module, which acts as the basis for sharing your live appearances on your MyBandTheme powered website. We created the event management module using the excellent custom post type functionality of WordPress, and WordPress automatically generates RSS feeds for custom content.

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Shortcode list


What are shortcodes? Well, they're basically an easy way to get something done. Within the context of MyBandTheme, shortcodes allow you to style/format content, as well as add various elements onto your WordPress posts/pages at the click of a button, without the need for writing any code.

The amount and range of shortcode possibilities integrated into MyBandTheme is one of its best features. You can combine shortcodes in a number of ways, which will allow you to really make your content stylish, unique and even interactive.

If you want to see the MyBandTheme shortcodes in action, check out this shortcode demo page.

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Placing Your Logo Into Your MyBandTheme Site


Your band's logo is your staple, it defines your style, and it is something that all of your fans should be familiar with and be able to recognize in an instant.

Your new MyBandTheme powered website will allow you to place your own, or your bands logo into the header area of your website very easily, using the theme's administration panel.

All you need to do is enter the WordPress administration panel > Scroll down to Theme Editor and click General Options > Upload your logo directly or through the WordPress Media Library, and paste your logo into the designated area.


Placing your logo into your website

Placing your logo into your website

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Which Band Theme Template to Choose?


MyBandTheme presently has 17 pre-designed color variations included, so choosing which theme variations will be perfect for you might be a bit of a challenge at first.

Our band website template can make the process of choosing your new website's skin a bit easier, thanks to the categorized band template variations. All of the website skins in their respective categories were designed keeping in mind the given musical genre the category represents.

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