RSS Feed for Events (Concerts) in MyBandTheme


Nowadays, bands understandingly strive to create a presence on as many web properties as possible. This is a totally accepted and effective method of self promotion.

Keeping all of the band profiles fresh and timely can be a bit daunting though, since for example, having a main site, a facebook page, a twitter account, a youtube account and a myspace account already mean 5 web properties to keep up-to-date.

The MyBandTheme WP template makes this process just a bit easier, since you can now create a custom RSS feed of your concerts and events.

As you know, MyBandTheme includes an advanced event management module, which acts as the basis for sharing your live appearances on your MyBandTheme powered website. We created the event management module using the excellent custom post type functionality of WordPress, and WordPress automatically generates RSS feeds for custom content.

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New MyBandTheme Support Forum

We finally got around to installing and configuring the MyBandTheme support forum, where MyBandTheme customers (and other site visitors) can ask questions about MyBandTheme, submit feature requests, share tips, and so on.

We think the forum structure created is pretty cool, as it gives way to not just problem solving, but sharing your experience and brainstorming as well.

Here is an outline of the MyBandTheme forum:

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MyBandTheme update: v1.3


Hello everyone, we just released a new update to MyBandTheme, updating it to version 1.3.

This update addresses a couple of specific issues our customers have had. Have a look at the changes below, and if you did not experience any of the below, you may not need to carry out the update

If you have customized some files and do not wish to re-upload all the files (thereby losing your modifications), you’ll find a “changelog.txt” file in the download file, which includes the list of files we updated.

Here is a summary of the changes in MyBandTheme v1.3:

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